The top five applicant scorers, including the Captain John T. Scardasis and Tim Arthur Memorial Scholarship, sponsored by Ceres Gulf, recipients, will receive a maximum award of $9,000. The remaining twenty-eight scholarship recipients will receive an award ranging from $6,000 to $8,000. The maximum amount awarded for the financial hardship scholarship is $17,000. Scholarship awards may be applied to tuition, institutional fees, books, and supplies (if applicable). Funds may be paid directly to the scholarship recipients or to Educational Institutions on behalf of recipients.

Registration for 2025 is Open
Click HERE to register and apply
Deadline for registration is April 11, 2025!!!!
Frequently Asked Questions

Other compliance requirements, such as measures of good standing, may be required. For information regarding the J. H. “Buddy” Raspberry Scholarship Fund contact Shareen Larmond or Eric Nelson. If you are experiencing problems with the website or accessing documents, please contact the IT Department.